Purchases / Coupons / Refunds
Congratulations, your friend gave you a Convrld gift card!
To redeem your Convrld gift card:
1) Create or sign in to your Convrld account
2) Go to dashboard and select wallet then click " Gift Card "
3) Paste your gift card redemption code into the box labeled "Code" and click "Redeem".
NOTE: You should have received this code in the email you received notifying you of your gift card. If you are unable to find your gift card code, your friend can resend the code to you from their settings page here: https://convrld.com/giftcard
Convrld credit will be automatically added to your wallet, which you can use to purchase foreign language lessons.
Happy learning!You may occasionally receive a promotional offer for a discount or a free lesson with the Verbling teacher of your choice.
To use your Verbling-issued promotion or coupon code:
1) Go to your preferred teacher's profile page. select "Book Now "
2) Choose the number of lessons specified by the coupon or promotion at the end of the page in the "Cart” option click on "Apply coupon”
Note: if your lessons number or the amount is less than the coupon’s discount, you will see this message when you press Apply coupon " No Coupons Offer Is Available Now "
But if your lessons number or the amount is higher than the coupon’s discount, you will see the coupon code and its discretion in the Cart box like the picture below
4) click on the coupon code. then you will see the coupon applied and also you will see the discount that has been made by this coupon as shown below.
7) Complete your purchase by clicking "Complete Secure payment".
Note: to be eligible for the coupon you need to get the minimum amount for that coupon
For example, if the coupon is working only for $100 or higher and your purchase less than $100 you cannot use that coupon.